R for the Liberal Arts
This page contains materials for a workshop I'm teaching at a PCLA event at Ursinus College on May 31, 2018.
- Instructions for installing software prior to the workshop
- Presentation slides
- R script used during the workshop
- Data used during the workshop (click through for Dropbox link; choose "Direct download")
- OpenIntro Statistics, an open-source textbook for introductory statistics
- The vignette of the blscrapeR package
- Katya Ognyanova's excellent PolNet tutorial
- Pablo Barbera's Star Wars data
- Introducing R to a non-programmer in one hour by Alyssa Frazee, with a focus on statistics
- R workshop for data science by Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, one of the authors of OpenIntro Statistics
- Online course offered by Datacamp (free version)
- Data basics tutorial from the makers of RStudio (online tutorial with online exercises, based on the book R for Data Science
- Digital History Methods in R by Lincoln Mullen (book draft with complete code, very instructive and detailed)
- Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach by Julia Silge & David Robinson (open access book with deep coverage of using R for text mining and analysis)
- Kosuke Imai, Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction
- John Maindonald and W. John Braun, Data Analysis and Graphics Using R: An Example-Based Approach
- Christopher Gandrud, Reproducible Research with R and RStudio