Instructions for installing R and RStudio

To get the most out of this workshop, please bring your own laptop and do the following a few days before May 31. It should take about 15 minutes (with a fast internet connection) to complete the steps below. I will also be available to meet with all participants during 9-10am on May 31 to go over any problems you might have encountered or to verify that you are all set for the workshop.

  1. Create a working directory for the workshop on your computer
  2. In this working directory, save a text file with the path of the directory.
    • On a Mac, you can find out a path by right-clicking on a folder (or file) and pressing the "Option" key on your keyboard. Then, choose "Copy ... as Pathname". The path might be something like: /Users/johanneskarreth/Documents/Dropbox/Teaching/R/DLA Tech Play Day
    • On Windows, you can find out a path by holding down the Shift key as you right-click the folder (or file), and then choose "Copy As Path". The path might be something like: C:\Users\jkarreth.URSINUS\Documents\Dropbox\Teaching\R\DLA Tech Play Day
  3. Download the most recent version of R from (3.5.0 or higher)
  4. Open the downloaded file (version 3.5.0 or higher) and follow the installation instructions:
    • R-3.5.0.pkg for Mac
    • R-3.5.0-win.exe for Windows
  5. Download the most recent version of RStudio Desktop (1.1.453 or higher) from Scroll down to "Installers for Supported Platforms" and choose the installer for your operating system.
  6. Open the downloaded file (version 1.1.453 or higher):
    • RStudio-1.1.453.dmg for Mac
    • RStudio-1.1.453.exe for Windows
  7. Open RStudio. You should see a screen that looks similar to the image below: RStudio
  8. In the center right (highlighted above), click on the "Packages" tab: Package tab
  9. Click "Install" (highlighted above) and type the following into the text box:
    tidyverse rio igraph mapdata rvest blscrapeR viridis visNetwork
    then click the "Install" button. Make sure the [x] Install dependencies checkbox is checked.
  10. Package installer

  11. Download the folder (click through for Dropbox link; choose "Direct download") and save it in your working directory for this workshop and unzip it. Your working directory should now look similar to the following:
  12. Working directory