FALL 2021
Please note: This page is archived from the last time I taught this course.
For materials for current courses, please go to my teaching page.
Welcome to the course page for POL 359, International Political Economy!
This page contains supplemental information and links to course materials.
Access to readings
Please see
Canvas for all readings that are not accessible online.
Samples of students' research!
Students in POL 359 completed research projects on their own. At the end of the semester, they summarized their work in infographics. Click on the images below for a close view of five sample projects:
Abigail Behm South Africa as a "new" donor
Carly Henning Canada in the Global Economy
Claire Velte Morocco in the Global Economy
Finnleigh Doherty
Globalization in Haiti
Mackenzie Owens Policy vs. politics in India